Integrative Baby Therapy (IBT)

As well as being a craniosacral therapist I am also certified as an Integrative BabyTherapy practitioner. This training supports my work as a craniosacral therapist and allows me to work in a deeper supportive way with clients of all ages.

As this work is about our earliest experiences and how they impact us, IBT recognises that our nervous systems carry body memories,”imprints” of our earliest experiences and birth and these imprints may still be influencing us especially around times of stress, change and transition.

In babies and children issues such as:

  • inconsolable crying
  • restlessness
  • colic
  • sleep and feeding problems
  • behavioural problems, difficult feelings, nightmares

These can often be traced back to earlier issues that have not been resolved.

IBT session

Sessions are there to feel as natural as possible and all work is permission based. I always let clients know they don’t have to do or say anything that doesn’t feel comfortable for them.

IBT gives space for babies and children to express the underlying prenatal or birth story that is still active in the child’s psyche. Children don’t usually want to keep still so therapeutic play (usually on the floor) is often part of the session. This is an important part of the session as it builds relationship with the child. How they use the space will start to show their underlying prenatal or birth story. This is expressed through ‘baby body language’ and vocal expression such as present moments ‘needs crying’ or ‘memory crying’ that directly relate to specific parts of their womb and birth life.

Parents / primary care givers are supported in a non-judgemental space to understand these expressions and also to be able to acknowledge their own feelings. Working in this way helps support the whole family in their experience so they can know each other and be together in a deeper and more settled way.